This is a guest post by NH-DI Alum Angela Sheehan who makes some amazing things. You can visit Angela’s DIY (Do It Yourself) web site at
Please note, we have no control over the content of the web sites linked here.

If you like crafting/creating something from scratch, or recycling leftover materials into something new, or just taking things apart, you can consider yourself a Maker. In the last few years, a strong online community has grown around the do-it-yourself mindset. Websites dedicated to sharing projects and how-tos are bringing Makers from all over the world together for collaboration and to inspire one another.

Here is a list of some of the most useful:

Instructables : ‘The World’s Biggest Show and Tell’ – A huge collection of user-submitted tutorials on a variety of topics.

Make: Online – blog that covers technology and science projects, building, and anything DIY.

CRAFT – Makezine’s sister site, focuses more on crafts, fashion, and cooking. – DIY site with lots of recycling/reuse projects.

iFixit– a free repair manual wiki, anyone can add info and share knowledge about how to fix things such as cameras, computers, even cars.