Tournament Volunteers

All New Hampshire teams are asked to provide volunteers to help run the tournaments. For most teams, this will be a two-hour volunteer to help out on the day of the tournament, and an Appraiser (for more information about this job, see our Appraiser Center page). We will also allow a limited number of teams to provide an all-day volunteer instead of an Appraiser.

Two-hour and all-day volunteers work throughout the day at their team’s regional tournament. They won’t be asked to work during their own team’s presentation. Two-hour volunteers are scheduled to work at other times during the day, and we can arrange for an all-day volunteer to leave briefly to watch their team.

Tasks assigned to two-hour and all-day volunteers might include being a door monitor at a performance site, working at the NH-DI Concessions table, preparing breakfast or lunch for our Appraisers and other tournament officials, or running team scores, just to name a few possibilities.

Two-Hour Volunteers

If you have agreed to be a two-hour volunteer, please check the two-hour volunteer schedule that will be published shortly before the tournament (usually on the tournament home page). You’ll need to report for work at the time and place indicated in the entry for your team. If we made a mistake and the time conflicts with your team’s presentation, please contact the tournament director immediately so we can change the assignment.

It’s perfectly OK to substitute another adult if necessary. We just need to have someone to show up for work at the scheduled time. But no job sharing, please! We need one person for two hours, not four people for 30 minutes each. Some of the assignments require a bit of on-the-job training, so it can be a problem for us when volunteers leave right after they’ve learned their job, and then we have to train their replacement.

All-Day Volunteers

If you have agreed to be an all-day volunteer, thank you for volunteering! The tournament director should contact you shortly before the tournament to discuss specific work assignments. If it’s a day or two before the tournament, and you still haven’t heard anything, please email the tournament director!