Most years, a few thousand people supported by over 1,000 volunteers pack tournament sites, often schools around the state to celebrate the student-created STEAM Challenge solutions of the teams of New Hampshire Destination Imagination. This year, the tournament will be in person with in person Appraisers, but missing parents and supporters at the tournament site.We have streamlined the process for teams with an array of low-contact procedures that still provide a great DI experience for team members from around the state! We are all hopeful we can be back to a new normal next year.
Updates about the tournament is posted on the Affiliate Tournament Page and Team Manager-specific updates are being sent by email. After the event, photos will be posted from this same Tournament page. Watch our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates!
Opening Ceremonies for teams will be virtual on Friday, competition will be on Saturday (in person, with masks), and on Sunday, NH-DI will webcast the closing awards ceremony. Team Managers will have the details!
Good luck to all and welcome back in person!