Photo: Cassandra Wright

We hope everyone is coping well with the COVID-19 restrictions. Having more people at home certainly presents some new challenges for us all! As DI team members, you are more trained to be creative than most!

Some news from our co-Affiliate Directors, Sandra and Craig:

  • We still plan to do a Virtual Tournament for our NH-DI teams. No firm date is yet set as we don’t know when teams will be able to safely gather and create their videos. Please don’t hold any in person team meetings until health authorities and schools indicate that it is once again safe for team members to get together! 
  • If your team is interested in the NH-DI Virtual Tournament, please let us know by going to the NH-DI/online site, clicking on Tournaments, then on Virtual Tournament. More information will follow when things settle down. 
  • DI-related merchandise is available online through the NH-DI Webstore: Get your NH-DI Newt pins, challenge pins, and more!

Your team can continue to do DI safely while they’re waiting for the time when they can meet again in person! DI has just published its first-ever Virtual Instant Challenge, which teams can do together through online video chat. You’ll find this on DI’s main website:

As always, we’re here to answer your questions. Stay healthy!

Any questions, please address to