We are again happy to offer this year’s NH-DI team t-shirt to teams, Team Managers, and supporters. Our theme this year celebrates NH’s important role in the election process through our first in the nation primary.
T-shirts are available with or without your school or team name printed on the back of the shirt.
We also have 2015-2016 Challenge Pins, which can be a very nice memento for both team members and Team Managers. If you have seniors on your team who will be graduating this year, you might also be interested in our NH-DI Graduation Tassels, which they can attach to their mortarboard at graduation.
T-shirt and pin orders will be taken until February 6, 2016. To place your order, go to nh-di.org/online, and log into your NH-DI online account. Select “stuff for sale” under the Teams menu. For more detailed instructions on how to order, visit this page.