Resources for Team Managers

Page or DocumentDescription
The Instant Challenge PageThis is the most frequently visited page on our website! We created it to help organize the articles we've published on Instant Challenge, and included links to some of the many other Instant Challenge resources that are available online.
Preventing InterferenceDestination Imagination is designed to teach the creative process by getting kids to work together effectively to imagine, create, and evaluate their own solutions to Challenges. No one else is allowed to suggest ideas, or push the team in a particular direction. That is what we call Interference, and it’s not allowed! This page explains the concept of Interference and offers some suggestions for preventing it.
This page has some documents that NH-DI has created for use in our DI affiliate. Looking for Team Challenges or Rules of the Road? Those are in the Destination Imagination Resource Area.
Online WorkshopsThis page has online workshops that we've created for teams. Examples include a multi-part workshop on the use of paper and cardboard, a workshop on digital video editing, and another on digital image editing.
Creative Questioning and
This document from one of our training sessions contains a long list of questions you could ask your team to help them get to WOW without engaging in Interference. The accompanying rubrics will help them recognize some of the things our Appraisers are likely to be looking for when they score the team.
2023 Regional Tournament Survival Guide
(2024 edition will be published soon)
There are quite a few things you’ll need to know about before your tournament. That’s why we created this Regional Tournament Survival Guide with information that Team Managers will need to be ready for the tournament.
Sharing Raw Scores and Stickies With Your TeamShortly after your Team Challenge presentation, the Head Appraiser will post a notice when your team's raw scores are available. Once this happens, a Team Manager and one team member can approach the Head Appraiser and ask them to review the team's scores. This page explains how to interpret the raw scores and share them with the rest of the team.
Deciphering Detailed ScoresAfter each tournament, we will release a report to Team Managers that shows the scores of all of the competing teams in their Team Challenge.
This page explains how to interpret that report.
Personalized CertificatesOn this page, we have electronic participation and award certificates that you can personalize and print for your DI team.
2023 State Tournament Survival Guide
(2024 edition will be published soon)
Most of the information in the Regional Tournament Survival Guide also applies to the State Tournament. In this guide, we'll go over a few things that are a little different for the State Tournament (sometimes referred to as the Affiliate Tournament).