We know many of you are wondering about the inclement weather forecast for the weekend in Berlin.
In looking at the forecast including the timing for when things start and end as well as accumulation totals, we here at NH-DI have decided that the best window for getting the Berlin competition in is Saturday as planned.
Our reasoning is that the weather is supposed to worsen later in the day and overnight Saturday into Sunday. With that in mind, our snow date, Sunday, actually looks like a *worse* choice in terms of the accumulations and timeline. Therefore, we’ve concluded that going forward is the best choice.
Remember that this meet is a short one; the last performances will be done by 3. For our part, we will do our level best to move things along as seamlessly as possible and keep to that schedule. Making sure your teams are prepared, have everything ready, and are on time to their challenges will help us do that from your side! In addition, please note that teams that do not perform on Saturday will not advance to the State Tournament.
Another thing of note is that teams do NOT have to stay for closing ceremonies; if you and your supporters feel you need to leave after your team has competed in order to accommodate inclement travel conditions, please do so!
So, teams may certainly choose to depart as soon as they have completed their team and instant challenges if they wish, with the caveat that, if there are scoring questions or concerns, not having the team present could affect whether/how we address them.
Regarding results, we will post them online and mail awards after the fact if a team isn’t present.
Bottom line? It looks like Saturday morning/early afternoon is really our best/only window in terms of getting the competition in. That said, please remember that this is an extracurricular activity for children, and if you have concerns, use your judgment regarding travel to and from.
So, drive safely, use your judgment, and we will be there on Saturday to welcome you and celebrate your team’s awesome creativity!