2021 Affiliate Tournament Survival Guide

success-mdThis year, we’re partnering with other Northeast DI affiliates to share Appraisers and other resources for the month-long NH-DI/DINE Tournament. The tournament will begin with the release of the Instant Challenges on Friday, March 5th, and conclude with the Closing Celebration and announcement of the results on Sunday, April 11th.

The Closing Celebration was originally scheduled for Saturday, April 10th, but we’ve decided to postpone it by one day so all of the DI teams from the Northeast could watch at the same time.

Please check the NH Affiliate Tournament home page on a regular basis, because this is where we’ll post any important announcements about the tournament.

Here is some information that Team Managers must have to survive the coming weeks. See below for:

  • Instant Challenge Info
  • Team Challenge info
  • Tournament Guide for Teams
  • After Submission
  • Support Squad Zoom

Instant Challenge

There is NO wiggle room on the Instant Challenge due date! To make sure your team hits the hard deadline of March 8th, we suggest the following timeline:

  • Friday: Instant Challenges for each challenge will be released Friday, March 5. Get your team together that afternoon to decide on their initial approach to solving the challenge. If materials are required, have them decide which team member will have what materials. Distribute as necessary. Remember — while there are several tables listing available materials, the challenge will be very specific as to how much of what can be used! It is NOT interference for Team Managers to point out the challenge limits to the team if necessary!
  • Saturday: Have the team meet to work on their IC solution Saturday. Several short meetings? One long meeting? Up to you and the team — shorter but multiple meetings might be best for some teams while others might just want to plow through.
  • Sunday: The team should create and edit their videos on Sunday. If using materials, the short materials video will be important to the appraisers! If finished, go ahead and upload the videos and fill out the online forms in the DI Resource Area using your Team Manager login. The materials video, if submitted, must be separate!
  • Monday (if not sooner): You will upload the video and forms for the team through the DI Resource Area before 11:59 PM March 8. Please don’t wait until 11:50 PM to do this — if you have trouble, 10 minutes doesn’t allow much time to problem solve! We’re here to help, but won’t be much good if everyone has issues at the very last minute.

Team Challenge info

All paperwork and videos for Team Challenges must be uploaded by 11:59 PM on March 15. Again, please don’t wait until the last minute! As with Instant Challenge, all are uploaded and submitted in the Resource Area.

We’ve learned a few things from other affiliates and from our NH-DI Showcase experience.

  • There are character limits for the fillable fields on the Tournament Data Form. Ask the team to give careful thought to how they use the available space to tell the appraisers about their solution. While you must fill in the forms, make sure the teams’ words are what you use. Words matter!
  • The video presentations can make it hard for appraisers to see Team Choice Elements clearly. Encourage your team to clearly describe the TCEs on the Tournament Date Form. Also, the optional Q&A Video can be used to help appraisers understand the TCEs along with the rest of the Team Challenge solution.
  • The Expense Report should list everything used in the Team Challenge solution. If the total is close to the cost limit for the challenge, it is a good idea to submit receipts to support the listed expenses. If in the video and used as part of the solution, it must be listed! This includes:
    • Costumes
    • Props and scenery
    • Items used to make costumes and props like tape, nails, glue, thread, paint, etc.
    • Exempt items such as musical instruments and computer software are listed at zero cost

Tournament Guide for Teams

Make things easier on yourself by reviewing the Tournament Guide for Teams—it is FULL of important information! (Available in the Resource Area under Documents/Challenge Materials/Additional Resources.) Please pay particular attention to the Guide to the Resource Area starting on Page 16. We strongly suggest you familiarize yourself with these pages and processes well before the deadlines!

After Submission

Once your team’s submissions are uploaded, please monitor the email account associated with your DI account. If the Prep Appraisers for Instant Challenge or Team Challenge have questions for the team, they will send a message to that email. Please do NOT reply to the email, but respond through the Resource Area using the messaging system.

You can monitor the progress of the submissions through the Resource Area.

Support Squad Zoom

All the Team Managers for our DINE Tournament are invited to attend the MADI Support Squad Zoom on Thursday, March 4th at 7 PM. This will give you the opportunity for another review, and the chance to ask last minute questions. Here is the link:


We can’t wait to see what your teams have done!

Other Questions?

If you have any other questions or issues, please email us at questions@nh-di.org.