Challenge Videos are Posted

While Camp Gottalikachallenge is jump-starting creativity, Destination Imagination has posted the Challenge videos for the upcoming competition year. It’s a quick way to get a taste of what each Challenge will be asking you and your team to solve. As usual,...

Preliminary Tournament Schedules Posted

Each of NH-DI Regional Tournament have their own web page, where tournament specific information will be posted. These include photos and results following the tournament, often volunteer schedules and yes – preliminary tournament schedules. Depending on how the...

Appraiser Training Scheduled

This is not your normal training. This is Appraiser Training! Appraisers are our volunteers who ApPRAISE the solutions of Destination Imagination teams in competition. The one-day training dates for Appraiser training are: Feb. 3, 2018: Appraiser Training...

New Team Manager Training Coming Up (Again)

Times have changed, and so has our training. On Saturday, November 18th we will rerun New Team Manager Training for those that missed it. Please join us for a great day of new ways to help you and your team succeed! The workshop will be held at Merrimack Valley Middle...

Hold These Dates! (You too)

There are a number of dates now available, including New Team Manager and All Team Manager Training, Appraiser Training and now, DIve In! team member training! Click for ALL THE DATES! Note: We are planning FOUR regional tournaments. Only three are listed at this...

Clarifications: They Are Live (And Really Important)

As well as the Challenges are written, teams are often come up with questions that were not considered. The Clarifications Process helps this with updates that are extensions of the Challenge rules. Clarifications are issued by Destination Imagination’s International...