20151129_KEEPCALM_AND_REGISTERIn case you haven’t been checking, we are happy to tell you that Team Registration for Regional Tournaments is now open on our new and redesigned NH-DI/online site!

This is different than the registration with Destination Imagination HQ – this registration is to participate at the New Hampshire meets.

Team Managers – make sure your Coordinators are aware of this (they just got an email). In some towns, you may have to register. Generally, the person responsible for the town’s program does this. Please check if you are not sure. Read more below if you are not sure…

The deadline for Team Registration is Tuesday, December 15thIf you confirm your registration after that date, you will be assessed a late fee. We know the registration process is typically open earlier in the season than this. However, the process only takes a few minutes if you have the data you need (see Helpful Hints below), and this is the same deadline we’ve had for the past few years.

You can register your team by going to https://nh-di.org/online/index.php/auth/login  (this is the login page).

Coordinators should already have an account on this site.

So who can register a team? It can be either the coordinator or any Team Manager for the team (or some combination). If you added Team Managers to your teams on the DIHQ Resource Area website, they should be listed as team managers for the same teams on our site. If you want to add a team manager, you can do so during the registration process using the “Team Adults” in the registration process.

Need more help? We’re prepared to assist you (or your team managers) with an online seminar. We will run the 30 minute seminar on both Wednesday, December 2 and Monday, December 10 (7:30 PM). We will send more information about this very soon. You can also send a question using the Ask NH-DI page.

Helpful Hints

The registration process will highlight in RED information you still need to supply.  Here is the information the website expects to collect:

  •     The team challenge your team is solving
  •     The team managers for your team
  •     The kids on your team along with either their grade or birthday
  •     Your Appraiser (you can substitute an all-day volunteer for an additional fee)

In addition, you as the coordinator and each Team Manager must agree to the Code of Conduct. You may do this on the website (My Account=>code of conduct) or by sending an email to CoC@nhicc.org stating your willingness to comply. A copy of the Code of Conduct can be found here:


Finally, it’s not too early to be thinking ahead to Instant Combustion on Saturday, January 16 at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) in Hooksett. This is our big Team Member training event! Hundreds of DI team members from all over the state will come to brush up on their teamwork, collaboration, Instant Challenge and problem-solving skills. You’ll sign up for this fun event on the same site where you registered your team(s) (Teams=>register for event). We’re currently working on our plans for Instant Combustion, and we’ll let you know as soon as we have all of the details and are ready for teams to sign up.

Stay calm and carry through…register those teams!