Feb 24, 2012 | Uncategorized
You may have heard about Epping High School English teacher John Herman and his quest to go to Space. John is now one of 20 semifinalists in the Space Race 2012 contest. What you may not know about John is that he was on creative problem solving teams right here in...
Feb 20, 2012 | Instant Challenges, Team Manager Corner
Greetings Team Managers! Below is another Instant Challenge for you to practice with your teams. A few notes (for your eyes only) of ways you can adjust the challenge follow it below! Have fun! Don’t Give Up the Ship! CHALLENGE: Your TASK is to build a device that...
Feb 17, 2012 | DI Program, News
In just a few short weeks, NH Destination ImagiNation regional creativity competitions will begin. Over 2,000 students from around the state will be competing in critical thinking, creative problem solving, teamwork and innovation skills. The photo is from an Opening...
Feb 9, 2012 | DI Program, News
Just a reminder that the last day to ask for a Challenge Clarification is Wednesday, February 15th. For more information about when to ask for clarifications, click here. To see Clarifications for your Challenge, visit our Challenge page and scroll to your Challenge....
Feb 3, 2012 | Coordinators, Team Manager Corner
Time for Some Team Manager TLC Submitted by: Melinda Sines, Retired Team Manager, Rindge, NH Whew! You survived the first weeks of Destination ImagiNation meetings. Lots of energy has been expended helping the kids on their way to becoming a team and getting...