Here is a guide to getting your team registered for the Destination Imagination, or “DI” season. While some school or district coordinators take care of some or all of this process for their Team Managers, others need to do it themselves.
You will find step-by-step instructions below that we hope will make the task as simple as possible. When on the NH-DI site, there is also lots of information in the HELP link under the Teams tab. If you are really stuck, you can also call us at 603-868-2140.
Step 1 – Get your Team Pack(s)
1. Go to the International Organization site at:
You can purchase a Team Pack for one team, five teams, 30+ teams or Rising Stars! (the DI program for Early Learners.) Rising Stars! teams can also be part of a 5 pack.
Taking care of this online is easy. Payment can be made securely by credit card or you can provide a PO number from your school. After payment or a signed PO has been received, ShopDI will email you team numbers and follow with hard copies of the Team Pack(s) in a few days.
The team number is what is needed to register for a tournament in New Hampshire.
Step 2 – Register your team for the NH Regional tournament with NH-DI (This is live ~ October 1).
1. Go to and log in.
If you do not have an account click on create a new account to set one up.
2. The first thing you’ll see is the NH-DI Code of Conduct; please read and agree to it to continue.
3. You will see tabs across the top of the next page; click on the Teams tab.
4. Click on “Register My Teams” in the menu on the left.
Each of the teams where you are a team manager or a coordinator will be listed. If you don’t see a team number that you know was issued to you, it might be that we have not received notification yet or you are not listed as a team manager. If you encounter problems, call at 603-868-2140 and we will help resolve the issue.
5. Click on the number for the team you need to register.
a. You will see a wizard bar below the tab menu that will guide you through the steps of registering the team (it has the following categories). The wizard bar looks like this:
Pick Summary Vitals Key Adults Kids Appraiser Volunteer Payment
6. This will bring you to the Summary page; it will red until you start to fill in information. As you supply information, sections will turn yellow and finally green when everything is completed. You do not have to provide all the information at once! You can come back to this page as often as you need to with updated information.
a. Vitals to set your team’s challenge.
i. Select the challenge from the drop down (it will read “not set” until you do this).
ii. If your team has a team name you can enter it on this page.
iii. Finally, use the bottom box to list anything that will affect your team’s scheduling or accommodations.
(For example, if a team member has a sibling on another team list the other team number here; if you have a team member with special needs indicate what those are, etc.)
iv. When finished click “continue” to go to the next page.
You can move to any specific step (such as the Summary) by clicking on the wizard bar.
b. Key Adults to list team manager(s).
1. You can find anyone already registered on the NH-DI site by filling in any or all of the requested information and then clicking Find.
As indicated in the text on the page you can use a * when you are unsure of the spelling of a name. For example, typing in SMI* will enable you to find Smith and Smithe – the names that begin with SMI.
When you find your team manager, click on the green check mark to the left of their information to add them to the team.
2. If you need to, click on Add Person at the lower left; please only do this if you are certain that person is not already set up on the site to avoid duplicate entries.
3. When finished click Continue to go to the next page.
c. Kids to fill in your team member names.
1. Select either grade or age to set the level at which your team will compete.
2. Then enter First Name, Last Name, either Grade or Birthday (10-sep-1995 format) and finally Add/Update.
3. When finished click Continue to go on.
d. Set your team’s Appraiser. [Click for more information about what an Appraiser does]
1. You’ll need to contact someone to fill this very important job. That person will need to go to the online site to register also:
The Appraiser can register to appraise before or after you register the team, however, your Appraiser status will remain unconfirmed until they agree.
2. This is the what the Appraiser will see:
If they do not have an account they’ll need to create one.
a. The first thing they’ll see is the NH-DI Code of Conduct which they will need to read and agree to in order to continue.
b. To agree to appraise, they’ll click on appraising then on offer to appraise. There will be a wizard bar listing the steps that they’ll need to go through to complete the process.
c. They can select your team number (this is the 130-xxxxx number listed on the register my teams page) to become the designated appraiser for your team
d. If your Appraiser is already registered with NH-DI but is not already a designated appraiser, you can find them by filling in any or all of the requested information and then clicking Find. When you find your appraiser, click on the green check mark to the left of their information to add them to the team. Then click on Email Appraiser to send a message letting them know that they’ve been nominated and that they need to go to the online site to offer to appraise.
e. Volunteer. This option is to set your team’s two hour volunteer for the Regional Tournament.
1. This is usually a team parent, but can be anyone who wants to help out. You’ll need to provide a name, at least one telephone number and an email address.
2. If the volunteer would like to watch the team, please select needs to watch team from the drop down box.
f. Payment to make payment.
a. It is necessary to indicate the person responsible for payment in this section. If that person is you, when you’ve filled in all the above required information click the Set Charges button to set the charges for your team. You will see the charges for this team in your account.
b. Click the Make Payment link to go to your account where you can make a payment. Note that the team charges will only show up in your account if you are the responsible person and Set Charges has been pressed.
c. You will need to go to your account to pay.
i. Click on the personal info tab at the top of the page.
ii. Click on view account.
iii. Click the button for Make Payment.
iv. You can then pay by credit card, by check or by PO.