2022 Team Videos – Fine Arts

Fine Arts Challenge: Tricky Tales

Our Fine Arts Challenge helps students develop acting and creative skills through artistic media, theater arts, scriptwriting, and prop design.

All is not what it seems…tricks and illusions abound in this season’s Fine Arts Challenge! Each team told a tale of a trickster overcoming a tricky situation. They researched trickster characters and how they have been portrayed in literature, theater, film, and/or mythology.

  • Create and present a story about a trickster who attempts to overcome a tricky situation.
  • Design and create a costume that goes through a costume transformation.
  • Design and create an illusion that enhances the story.
  • Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents.

Elementary Level

(Not yet available)

Middle Level

Berlin Schools 130-83249
The Ugly Ducklings team from Berlin
Bow Memorial School 130-03970
The Myth of the So-Called Sister team from Bow
Grantham Village School 130-36126
The Loading... team from Grantham
Indian River School 130-88227
The Something Punny This Way Comes team from Canaan
Milford DI 130-50287
The Musical Froggies from Milford
Ross A Lurgio Middle School 130-86352
The Goats in a Boat team from Bedford
Thornton Central School 130-09376
The Random Roses from Thornton
Windham Middle School 130-67354
The Febreeze Freshwipes team from Windham

Secondary Level

Bow High School 130-06796
The Mischief Makers from Bow
Inter-Lakes 130-09915
Kaitlyn's Team from Meredith
Inter-Lakes 130-34276
The JETPAK team from Meredith
Milford DI 130-60223
The Essential Lurkers from Milford
Windham High School 130-47687
The Italian Sewer Children from Windham

The following team was omitted because when they registered for the tournament, they indicated that we should not share their video:

  • Team 130-72531, Berlin Elementary School