Photo: Noah Levin

It’s time to register your teams for the new Destination Imagination (DI) season! Participants in Destination Imagination have always learned to be flexible, think on their feet and to be creative. (We have all needed some of that!). Whether you are bringing teams together in person, remotely or a bit of both, the 2021-2022 D.I. season is underway. And so starts NHICC/NH-DI’s 40th year of creative problem solving programs for Granite State students!

Destination Imagination (DI) is an international problem-solving competition. Student-led STEAM-based Challenges reinforce core social-emotional learning (SEL) competencies—social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making, self-awareness, and self-management. Students also build creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills as their teams solve their Challenges. DI offers an inclusive learning environment where all students feel welcomed and valued – and have fun. The best part – students must solve these Challenges by themselves without interference of others!

Teams can meet virtually, in person or a bit of both. Of course, the safety of participants always comes first, but we are very hopeful that by March it will be possible to hold in-person tournaments once more. In the meantime, it’s perfectly feasible for a team to meet virtually while they’re getting started. You know we can be creative – and with safety guidance from the CDC and State of New Hampshire.

The most important part of this program is that team members get together to solve STEAM based challenges. (See the previews!).

For details on registration, visit our How to Start a Team page.