The culmination of every Destination Imagination tournament season is the 1,200 top-performing teams coming to Global Finals, there year held in Kansas City, MO. Included were 29 Granite State Teams. 9 of those 29 teams finished in a Top 20 position in the World, competing against teams from nearly every state and 16 countries.
In addition two New Hampshire volunteers were recognized for their contributions to the organization. Steve Greenwood was presented with the DI DIamond Award for lifetime contribution
to the technology and scoring abilities of Destination Imagination globally, and NH-DI Alumni Jake Oudheusden was presented with the Red Tie award, which is presented by the DI Alumni Council to outstanding alumni who were once on teams and now contribute to the organization at an exceptionally high level.
Top 20 finishes in New Hampshire include the Dover DI, Long Distance team, who scored the highest Instant Challenge score in the Engineering Challenge at the Secondary Level. Here is the complete Top 20 list:
Top 20 teams include:
130-83544, Dover DI, Long Distance , Dover, New Hampshire, Monster Effects; Engineering Challenge, Secondary Level
130-05553, Grantham Village School, The Five, Grantham, New Hampshire, Heads Up; Improvisational Challenge, Middle Level
130-81095, Sunapee Middle High School, Ylopnoms, Sunapee, New Hampshire, Game On; Fine Challenge, Secondary Level
130-51070, Berlin, G-Dog Sandwich and the 6 Apostle, Berlin, New Hampshire, Medical Mystery; Scientific Challenge, Secondary Level
130-69287, Mckelvie Intermediate School, Mindblowers, Bedford, New Hampshire, Heads Up; Improvisational Challenge, Middle Level
130-05118, Bedford DI, DI Beezzz, Bedford, New Hampshire, Monster Effects; Engineering Challenge, Elementary Level
130-12331, Londonderry DI, Duct Tape Dudes, Londonderry, New Hampshire, On Target; Technical Challenge, Secondary Level
130-04812, Monadnock Regional Middle High School, Cents & Cents-ability, New Hampshire, New Hampshire, Heads Up; Improvisational Challenge, Secondary Level
130-50411, Goffstown High School, The Fabled Four, Goffstown, New Hampshire, Escape Artists; Service Challenge, Secondary Level
Other teams finishing strong include teams from Saint Joseph Regional School, Jaffrey-Rindge SAU, Bedford DI, Goffstown High School, Lebanon Middle School, Bicentennial Elementary, Highbridge Hill Elementary, Mascenic Regional High SchoolAbbot-Downing School 21C, Milford DIBedford DI, Milford DI, REAL Initiative, Ernest P Barka Elementary School, Barnard School, SAU 47 Jaffrey-Rindge Schools, Windham, Grantham Village School, Saint Joseph Regional School. (The complete list of participating and qualifying teams is here).
Destination Imagination teams compete in creativity, collaboration and problem-solving Challenges based in STEAM principals (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math). Teams must solve their complex challenges on a budget and timeline, and all ideas, creation and building their solutions are strictly done by the teams. This process leverages their education and provide Future of Work skills for any field of study they choose.