Many schools cover the cost of the DI program (outlined below). In other communities, each team member pitches in to cover the costs. Just what are those expenses, and what are they for?
Team Number and Tournament Registration
Registration consists of two separate steps: Obtaining a Team Number and program materials from Destination Imagination headquarters, and registering for NH-DI tournaments. To get started, you will need to purchase your Team Number and program materials by placing an order at Destination Imagination’s online store.
- Team Number Kit: Most teams should order a Team Number Kit, which includes the required background check for one Team Manager. The total price will be $325, which includes both DI’s $150 charge for the Team Number Kit, and the $175 New Hampshire affiliate fee for local tournament registration.
- Team Number: This is similar to the Team Number Kit, but it doesn’t include the background check. You should only order this if the Team Manager has another team with a Team Number Kit, or you would prefer to place a separate order for the Team Manager’s mandatory background check.
- Background Check: If your team has more than one Team Manager, you will need to order background checks for the additional Team Manager(s). The price for this is $40.
Once your team numbers have been issued, they should appear on DI’s website immediately, and in NH-DI’s online registration system within a few days. You will then be able to register for a local tournament.
There are no additional fees for local tournament registration, UNLESS you register late or fail to provide the required volunteers (see Other Fees below for details).
Additional Expenses
During the season, there may be additional expenses associated with training Team Managers and purchasing supplies for the team’s solution and activities, though teams are encouraged to be both frugal and creative in their use of materials. In addition, most teams also purchase or create team t-shirts.
If you were to add $200 for supplies, team t-shirts, and Team Manager training, the total cost would be $525. That’s about $75 per team member for a team with seven students, and about $65 per member for a seven-member Rising Stars team.
Other Fees
Although this won’t affect most teams, there are situations in which NH-DI must charge an additional fee.
Teams that register for their tournament after the December deadline will need to pay a $25 late fee. Changes made after the deadline that could affect tournament scheduling may also trigger a late fee, such as a change in a team’s Challenge or its competition level.
Every NH team is also asked to supply an adult volunteer called an Appraiser, who will help to evaluate team solutions during our tournaments. Appraisers can be anyone 18 years or older who is willing to donate some of their time to attend Appraiser training day in late January or early February, and to appraise team submissions during the NH Showcase in February and the NH Affiliate Tournament in March.
Some teams may find it difficult to find someone, but these volunteers are vital to making the program run, so this commitment is not to be taken lightly!