When: March 16, 2019 (Snow date 3/17)
Location: Manchester Memorial High School, 1 Crusader Way, Manchester
Tournament Co-Directors: Carrie Thompson (carrie.thompson@nh-di.org), Monique Legault (monique.legault@nh-di.org)PHOTOS from this event (click here)
RESULTS from this event and recap
Tournament Day Schedule (as of 3-2-19 and subject to change)
7:00am – Building Opens for Appraisers
7:15am – Building Opens for Teams and Visitors
7:15am – Team Manager Check-in in Gymnasium
7:45am – Banner Parade Line-up
8:00am – Opening Ceremony in Gymnasium
9:00am – Challenge Presentations Begin
11:00am – Camp Gottalikachallenge Information Session
5:30pm-ish – Approximate time to gather for Closing CeremonyPreliminary Tournament Schedule is here (last revised 3-10)
Two-Hour Volunteer Schedule is here. (last revised 3-12 – subject to change)
Two-Hour Volunteer Job Descriptions is here.
Tournament Schedule is here.
Tournament Map is here.
Latest News
Check this page on a regular basis for schedule updates and other important announcements. This is also where we’ll post the tournament results and photos taken during the tournament.
Tournament Schedule and Map Now Available for Download
The official tournament schedule and map are now available to download. Copies will be available onsite. Please note the tournament schedule is formatted to 8.5″ x 14″ paper.
Preliminary Tournament Schedule
The preliminary tournament schedule is now available. Please check the times for your teams, and email Lisa or Craig if you have any questions or concerns.
Preliminary Two-Hour Volunteer Schedule
The preliminary two-hour volunteer schedule is now available. Please check the volunteer slots for your team and let Lisa know as soon as possible if you have any questions or concerns.
NH communities assigned to this tournament: