If your team has advanced to the NH-DI State Tournament, congratulations! We’re really looking forward to seeing them there!
The tournament will be held at Winnacunnet High School on Saturday, March 28, 2015. Please check the State Tournament home page as often as you can! This is where we will post the preliminary tournament schedule, along with other important announcements about the tournament.
Nearly all of the information in the NH-DI Regional Tournament Survival Guide also applies to the State Tournament. We need you to bring more cakes so we can hold our ever-popular Cake Walk, we’ll be collecting socks again, etc. So we’ll just mention a few things that will be a little different for the State Tournament…
We need your help to run the tournament! Each team must provide a two-hour volunteer to assist us on the day of the tournament. Please note that we need one person for two hours, and not four people for 30 minutes each. This is because some of the assignments require a bit of on-the-job training, and this becomes a problem when several different people try to share the job.
Your volunteer won’t be required to work during your team’s performance. However, please notify the tournament director if you’re sending someone who has a child on another team. We’ll want to schedule them at a time that won’t conflict with either performance.
You won’t need to register the name of your volunteer in advance. Just look for your team’s entry in the volunteer schedule, which will be published on the tournament home page a few days before the tournament, and ask your volunteer to check in at the NH-DI concessions area in the cafeteria shortly before the time when they’re scheduled to work.
Special Scheduling Requests
Special scheduling requests (if truly compelling) must be sent via email to Craig Richardson (craig.richardson@nh-di.org) by Tuesday, March 17, 2015. We expect all teams to attend the State Tournament for the entire day!
Our veteran Team Managers may be wondering what happened to the section about finding an Appraiser. We think you’ll be very pleased to learn that teams are no longer required to recruit an Appraiser for the State Tournament. Starting this year, NH-DI will take care of this!
You won’t even have to register your team for the State Tournament. You don’t have to find an Appraiser, and we don’t need to know the name of your volunteer ahead of time. Because of those changes, there is nothing left for you to enter into our registration database, so one less thing for you to have to do!
Improvements in Team Challenge Solutions
Teams may continue to refine, or even totally replace, their Challenge solution at each level of competition. However, any changes must be completely original, and may not be an adaptation of something that was presented at an earlier tournament by another team.
DI Global Finals
You might want to start thinking what you will do if your team advances to DI Global Finals in Knoxville, Tennessee. If this happens, one of the first decisions that you’ll need to make is how to get there. Flying to Knoxville will be expensive, and the available flights tend to fill up quickly. We want to do our part to help keep the cost down, so NH-DI will once be operating our no-hassle NH-DI Creativity Bus with round-trip transportation from the Nashua area to the University of Tennessee for $300 per person (and no baggage fees or pricey airport transfers).
Other Questions?
If you have any other questions or issues, please contact your State Tournament Director:
Craig Richardson (craig.richardson@nh-di.org or 673-7299)