Regional Director: Carrie Thompson
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2013 (snow date March 17)
Where: Littleton High School
- Photos shared
- Tournament Results
- Directions to Littleton High School
- Preliminary tournament schedule
- How to Watch a DI Challenge – Great for parents or Team Members watching other Challenges!
- Photos will be posted here when available
- Team portrait order form
- NH-DI Participation Certificate for creating personalized participation certificates for each team member
- NH-DI Regional Tournament Survival Guide (required reading for every Team Manager)
March 10: The two-hour volunteer schedule has been posted. Please make sure that your team’s volunteer knows when to report for their assignment! There is also a revised version of the preliminary tournament schedule.
February 24: Version 2 of the preliminary tournament schedule has been posted. Please check your team’s entry for updated times!
February 18: Version 1 of the preliminary tournament schedule is now available! Please check your team’s times, and notify the tournament director immediately if there are any issues. Times may change, so please check again shortly before the tournament to see if there are any updates.
More information before and after this Regional Tournament will be posted here!