Team Manager volunteers were trained to facilitate statewide student teams to become more creative, collaborative and more powerful problem-solvers. These Team Managers were trained at New Hampshire Destination Imagination (NH-DI) training in Hooksett on Saturday, November 19. This marks the second weekend of training, including several dozen new volunteers.

>> Click to see photos from this training 

Team Managers learned how to help guide a team to bring their own solution to a NH-DI tournament in spring. Teams are appraised on creativity, innovation, collaboration and the key areas of their chosen Challenge. With new Challenges each year, focus areas include: Technical, Scientific, Engineering, Fine Arts, Improvisational, and Service Learning. There is also a non-competitive Early Learning Challenge that allows participants to develop social and problem-solving skills. Teams in our program learn higher order thinking and improve in creative thinking, critical thinking, and collaborative problem solving – key Future of Work skills.

Focus in the training supported those goals and included understanding interference, where the students must fully own their solution from ideation to delivery; Instant Challenges to help teams think on their feet; and how to enable students with project planning and management skills.

Now with over 115,000 Granite State alumni – students who participated on D.I. teams, New Hampshire Destination Imagination is entering our 41st season of student-focused project-based STEAM learning.

Destination Imagination (DI) is an international problem-solving competition. Destination Imagination Challenges are the prompts or guidelines for what a team creates. Our Challenges are open-ended, allowing teams to express themselves creatively and take full ownership of their solutions. Challenges are designed to teach the creative process—a system of learning that is at the root of innovation and a child’s ability to bring an idea to life. While solving these challenges, students build creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. DI offers an inclusive learning environment where all students feel welcomed and valued – and have fun.
There is still time to start a team for this year! To learn more, email