We have come to the very sad conclusion that we cannot safely run our Gotta Camp sessions for Summer 2020. We know you are disappointed; we are too. Please know this was not a decision we made quickly or lightly.

The health and safety of everyone in our Gotta Camp community is our top priority. This includes our resourceful, intrepid Gotta Staffers, our first-year Gotta Campers nervous and excited to join the fun, returning Gotta Campers who have been waiting for months to be reunited with their camp friends and perhaps even earning their Golden Nut this year, and the Gotta Families who eagerly await the nightly photo upload of their campers’ day. Many of the elements that are integral to the experience we offer would have to be drastically altered or eliminated entirely to follow appropriate safety protocols–and even then the risk would still be there.

While there’s no simple way to translate our in-person Gotta Camp experience to a digital one, we are doing what we can to bridge the gap! Check out the Safer At Home page to see what we’re up to.

We are adding information to our FAQ Page to address specific concerns about this summer, and if there’s anything you’re still wondering, don’t hesitate to get in touch!