For almost as long as there’s been a Global Finals, New Hampshire’s teams met: Team Managers, team members and their parents, to learn more about Global Finals and everything that goes into it.
Team Managers, board members, alumni and team members who have been to Global Finals, often numerous times, are on hand to let everyone know what to expect when 18,000 people, including the world’s most creative and innovative kids from around the world converge for one event, including the many one-of-a-kind educational opportunities that are available.
On Friday, April 13th at 5:45PM, teams will meet at Merrimack Valley Middle School in Penacook.
Oh, that Spoil Your Dinner part: That’s with ice cream. Lots of ice cream.
Most important, this is where members from around the state meet, practice Instant Challenges and become Team New Hampshire. If you’re heading to Globals, this is a must come to!