FAQ for Team Managers and Coordinators

These are some of the most frequently asked questions from Team Managers and Coordinators:

  • When and where will my team’s regional tournament take place?
    NH-DI normally announces the locations and dates for our tournaments in late September or early October. Each NH town will be assigned to one of our regional tournaments. We can’t always send each team to the closest tournament, because there is a limit to the number of teams that any given tournament can accommodate, but we always try to do our best to make your drive as short as possible.

  • How do I register a New Hampshire team for their tournament?
    This page has step-by-step instructions on how to register a New Hampshire Destination Imagination teams for their tournament.
  • Where do I buy Team Numbers and/or Background Checks?
    They are both available here.
  • How do Team Coordinators assign Team Managers to their teams?
    Team Coordinators can use these instructions to assign Team Managers to their teams.
  • How do Team Managers claim a Team Number and assign themselves to it?
    Team Managers can use these instructions to assign themselves to their teams.
  • What are the Background Check options for US Team Managers?
    This page contains the options for background checks.
  • How does a Team Manager share a Sterling Background Checker with DI?
    This page contains instructions for how to share an existing Sterling background check.
  • I have purchased a Background Check through DI. Now what?
    This page contains instructions for how to process a Sterling background check purchased through DI.

  • What Challenge Materials are available? When are they available? Who gets access to them?
    • The Rules of the Road, Roadmap for Team Managers and Instant Challenge Practice Set is available starting August 1.
    • The full Team Challenges will be released on September 1.
    • Team Coordinators/Purchasers and Team Managers can access all of the available materials in the Documents Center of the Resource Area.
    • US-based Team Managers will not have access to the Team Challenges until they have processed their background check.
  • How can I learn the basics of navigating Resource Area?
    This IGNITE presentation offers tips/basics for navigating the Resource Area as a Team Manager.
  • What are Clarifications?
    Clarifications refer to the system that teams use to ask questions about their chosen Challenge to better understand something. Sometimes, if a team’s question is important enough, the answer they receive will be published for all teams to see on this page.
  • How do I submit a clarification?
    Clarification questions should be submitted via the Resource Area. All Team Managers have a Clarification button on their dashboards.
  • What is Roadmap+?
    Roadmap+ is a series of emails intended to supplement the Roadmap for Team Managers and help guide the Team Manager through the Challenge Season.
  • How does a Team Manager enroll in Roadmap+?
    Team Managers will get the option to enroll in the Roadmap+ subscription series soon after they are assigned to a team (usually within 7 days). They will receive invitations via email. You can also subscribe to email updates from Destination Imagination by entering your address on this form.

If you have additional questions, please email NH-DI at questions@nh-di.org, or you can contact DI headquarters at AskDI@dihq.org.