New Hampshire Destination Imagination (NH-DI) is ready to start its 42nd year of creative problem-based learning programs for students pre-k through college. Here is a fresh batch of Challenges for the 2023-2024 program year. In all, over 125,000 students have taken part in our programs – and are now alumni of the program. Many come back to volunteer with the program to help enable the next generation of innovators!
Creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and situational management are now among the most important skills for the evolving job market. Destination Imagination helps student teams build those skills by solving STEAM based challenges with a focus on Technical, Scientific, Engineering, Fine Arts, Improvisational, and Service Learning skills. Every aspect of the solutions to these team Challenges must be solved exclusively by student team members. Arriving at tournament with a solution is a huge and complete win for the team!
Teams can now register to get the Challenges, or you can just learn more on the Start a Team page.
Learn more about this years Challenges with the slimmed down explanation on the Challenge Summary page.
Or you can watch the summary here: