It took lots of planning and unprecedented collaboration between us (NHICC: NH Innovation and Creativity Connection), Destination Imagination®, FIRST® and the University of New Hampshire ,College of Engineering and Physical Sciences to make the inaugural Girls Engineering the Future Camp a reality. Here is part of mid-week “Letter from Camp” update from NHICC’s representative, Anna Maenhout:

The girls have had a jam packed schedule and they are tired at night. Tired in a good way! Tired because they had so much fun and don’t want to stop. I have heard consistently throughout these few days when they are engaged in any activity…IC [Instant Challenge], painting future self portraits, building and programming robots…they don’t want to stop.

They have picked their community service project. They have completed future self portraits of themselves in a possible STEM career. They have built and programmed robots. They have virtually and physically tested their robots. And that is just the beginning.

As campers, who knew no one upon arrival, they have bonded well together. They are very respectful and supportive of one another. They are celebrating birthdays and embracing their differences while helping each other be successful. They are learning a lot about campus life and what it is like to be a student in higher education.

On top of all off that, they are truly having a good time. No one wants to go home or quit what they are doing. And what I have shared is just the tip of the iceberg.

Special thanks to our sponsors including BAE Systems, Eversource, Pennichuck Water Services Corp., Autodesk, Novo Nordisk, Congregational Society, Cogswell Benevolent Trust.

Coming up this summer, NHICC’s Camp Gottalikachallenge day camps and week-long overnight camps!