20160830 PINNOVATIONMONDAYBring us your ideas! We want amazing pins and t-shirts this year, and we are turning to our experts (YOU!). From your ideas, we want a design for a pin (or two or three or more) and a t-shirt. The T-Shirt generally sets the theme for the year (Last year’s shirt| the shirt from 3 years ago)

If you are a:

  • Team or Team Member
  • Alumni (who was on a team) or a group of Alumni
  • Appraiser
  • Team Manager
  • Even current or former board members – we want great ideas!

Get together or work solo to create a PIN design and/or a t-shirt design and/or theme that we can use for the 2016-2017. There might be a reward, beyond an extra large case of Popularity which could happen at a tournament.

Here are the rules:

  1. ORIGINALITY MATTERS. Submissions can  include NHICC the gNHome, but may not include the trademarks or copyrights of other companies (so no movie characters, brand products or logos and the like).
  2. TIME MATTERS. We need your submissions for this year by September 5, 2016.
    (Yes, we know! It’s a quick turnaround this year!).
  3. SEND your suggestions to: ideas@nh-di.org.
  4. Creativity counts over artwork.
  5. Scan or send us a graphic file as a .PNG, .JPG, or other Adobe graphic format.
  6. THIS IS NOT A CONTEST – It is a request for ideas. By submitting an entry, you agree to give the copyright to NHICC (New Hampshire’s Incredible Creativity Connection), who runs New Hampshire Destination Imagination, which is why:
  7. An adult over 18 years old must make the submission.
  8. Enter as often as you would like.
  9. Suggestions that come after the deadline will be considered for next year!

To make it easier:

  • In your email, let us know who participated in the solution and which school(s) they represent, if that applies. (Also if you’re a team member, Team Manager, Appraiser, Alumni, etc.).
  • Please let us know which is the best email if we have any questions.