Bring us your ideas! We want amazing pins and t-shirts this year, and we are turning to our experts (YOU!). From your ideas, we want a design for a pin (or two or three or more) and a t-shirt. The T-Shirt generally sets the theme for the year (Last year’s shirt| the shirt from 3 years ago)
If you are a:
- Team or Team Member
- Alumni (who was on a team) or a group of Alumni
- Appraiser
- Team Manager
- Even current or former board members – we want great ideas!
Get together or work solo to create a PIN design and/or a t-shirt design and/or theme that we can use for the 2016-2017. There might be a reward, beyond an extra large case of Popularity which could happen at a tournament.
Here are the rules:
- ORIGINALITY MATTERS. Submissions can include NHICC the gNHome, but may not include the trademarks or copyrights of other companies (so no movie characters, brand products or logos and the like).
- TIME MATTERS. We need your submissions for this year by September 5, 2016.
(Yes, we know! It’s a quick turnaround this year!). - SEND your suggestions to:
- Creativity counts over artwork.
- Scan or send us a graphic file as a .PNG, .JPG, or other Adobe graphic format.
- THIS IS NOT A CONTEST – It is a request for ideas. By submitting an entry, you agree to give the copyright to NHICC (New Hampshire’s Incredible Creativity Connection), who runs New Hampshire Destination Imagination, which is why:
- An adult over 18 years old must make the submission.
- Enter as often as you would like.
- Suggestions that come after the deadline will be considered for next year!
To make it easier:
- In your email, let us know who participated in the solution and which school(s) they represent, if that applies. (Also if you’re a team member, Team Manager, Appraiser, Alumni, etc.).
- Please let us know which is the best email if we have any questions.