{Photos are now posted} In less than a month, hundreds of Granite State creative problem solving teams will be showcasing their solutions to educational Challenges at Destination ImagiNation tournaments to be held around the state. Today at Londonderry High School, the final group of over 150 volunteer Appraisers trained with Instant Challenges, looked at team props, learned how to ask questions and all things needed to be trained to appraise the team solutions that are designed to build creativity, innovation and teamwork skills while incorporating core educational subjects.
New Hampshire Destination ImagiNation (NH-DI.org), now celebrating its 30th anniversary will use over 250 volunteer appraisers and over 1,000 total volunteers across the four regional tournaments and state finals. Teams that advance from state finals will join teams from around the U.S. and the World at Destination ImagiNation Global Finals in May.
“We are in awe of what our volunteers do for this program”, according to Affiliate Director Kara Swedlow. “Our volunteers enable us to provide a program that is fun for kids, incorporates national learning standards and gives students the tools to learn “hands-on” how to innovate, be more creative and manage change.” Teams select a Challenge at the beginning of the year which has multiple focuses including the arts, literature, science and technology, improvisation, structural design and community service.
This year, nearly 2,000 students will participate in the New Hampshire Destination ImagiNation program joining another 100,000 around the world.