Team New Hampshire 2013

Globals_opening_wk347-MThese are the teams that will be representing New Hampshire at Destination Imagination Global Finals from May 22-25, 2013 at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.

As in regional and state competitions, teams will compete within their Challenge and age group.

Teams will compete with teams from virtually every state and Canadian province, as well with over 1,000 teams from at least 12 other countries including China, Korea, the U.K., Poland, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina.

LINKS LEAD TO THEIR PHOTOS for media, family and friends!

OrganizationTownLevelChallengeChal TypeDI No
Academy for Science and DesignMerrimackMiddle LevelChange in RealiteeImprovisational130-68941
Auburn Village SchoolAuburnElem LevelIn the ZoneTechnical130-96073
Bedford DIBedfordSec LevelIn the ZoneTechnical130-28871
Bedford High SchoolBedfordSec LevelIn DisguiseFine Arts130-24835
Sunapee Central Elementary SchoolSunapeeElem LevelReal to ReelService Learning130-24626
Berlin SchoolsBerlinSec LevelWind VisibleScience130-15040
Bow Elementary SchoolBowElem LevelIn the ZoneTechnical130-77228
Bow SchoolsBowMiddle LevelWind VisibleScience130-26959
Conant High SchoolRindgeSec LevelWind VisibleScience130-78989
Danville ElementaryDanvilleElem LevelChange in RealiteeImprovisational130-45535
Dover Middle SchoolDoverMiddle LevelIn DisguiseFine Arts130-29175
Garrison Elementary SchoolDoverElem LevelReal to ReelService Learning130-04326
Hampstead AcademyHampsteadMiddle LevelChange in RealiteeImprovisational130-27692
Conant High SchoolRindgeSec LevelIn DisguiseFine Arts130-90280
Hollis DIHollisMiddle LevelIn the ZoneTechnical130-47737
Hollis DIHollisElem LevelTwist-o-RamaStructural130-93953
Lebanon High SchoolGranthamSec LevelChange in RealiteeImprovisational130-38433
Lincoln Akerman SchoolHampton FallsElem LevelWind VisibleScience130-09381
Londonderry High SchoolLondonderrySec LevelChange in RealiteeImprovisational130-08801
Londonderry DILondonderryElem LevelIn DisguiseFine Arts130-34357
Londonderry Middle SchoolLondonderryMiddle LevelTwist-o-RamaStructural130-52553
Milford Elementary DIMilfordElem LevelTwist-o-RamaStructural130-22440
Milford High SchoolMilfordSec LevelTwist-o-RamaStructural130-38995
Milford Middle SchoolMilfordMiddle LevelTwist-o-RamaStructural130-06307
Milford Middle SchoolMilfordMiddle LevelWind VisibleScience130-56666
Monadnock Middle SchoolSwanzeyMiddle LevelReal to ReelService Learning130-95354
Nashua High School SouthNashuaSec LevelIn the ZoneTechnical130-60798
Nashua SD: Birch HillNashuaElem LevelChange in RealiteeImprovisational130-96604
Pinkerton AcademyDerrySec LevelIn the ZoneTechnical130-29525
Rindge Memorial SchoolRindgeElem LevelIn DisguiseFine Arts130-69582
Rundlett Middle SchoolConcordMiddle LevelReal to ReelService Learning130-58111
Schools of Greater NashuaNashuaMiddle LevelIn DisguiseFine Arts130-21534
Seg NetEnfieldSec LevelTwist-o-RamaStructural130-81800
Strafford SchoolStraffordElem LevelIn DisguiseFine Arts130-39007
Thornton Central SchoolThorntonElem LevelWind VisibleScience130-13137
Windham DIWindhamElem LevelIn the ZoneTechnical130-24717
Windham DIWindhamMiddle LevelIn the ZoneTechnical130-94012
Windham DIWindhamMiddle LevelReal to ReelService Learning130-89731




Team New Hampshire 2012 | Team New Hampshire 2011 | Team New Hampshire 2010 |

Earlier Global Finals (Scroll down to content on the pages linked below)

2009 |  2008 |  20072006 |  2005 |  2004 | 2003 | 2002 |  2001 | 2000