2010-2011 Documents
Coordinator Specific Documents | Camp Gottalikachallenge Documents | Scholarship Documents
Documents for Everyone
State Finals Documents
NH-DI State Finals 2011 Team Manager Packet (v3)
2011 State Tournament “READ IT OR WEEP” Survival Guide (v3)
How To Watch A Destination ImagiNation Challenge (2011) | PDF 1.1MB
Even if you have not spent six months with a Destination ImagiNation , chances are you could use this summary that breaks each Challenge into one page. This is oversimplification, but it helps you know what you’re looking at!
Other Documents
“Read It or Weep” Regional Competition Guide | (900K PDF)
This is the must read document for Team Managers and Coordinators with important forms, papers and advice for competition in New Hampshire.
How To Watch A Destination ImagiNation Challenge (2011) | PDF 1.1MB
Even if you have not spent six months with a Destination ImagiNation , chances are you could use this summary that breaks each Challenge into one page. This is oversimplification, but it helps you know what you’re looking at!
Travelguide for Teams (National Version; NH will have an additional guide) | PDF 1MB
It tells you what to expect at your Tournament. Inside this Guide you will find information that includes what will happen at your Presentation Site and tips from teams and Team Managers on how to have a great Tournament experience.
Contest: Create a Pin for Destination ImagiNation Global Finals!
Pins are more than just a way to “break the ice” at Global Finals – it’s a culture and the memories you build – and get to keep. Here is your chance to design one of the NH-DI pins for Global Finals 2011!
NH-DI 30th Anniversary T-Shirt!
Celebrating three decades of creative problem solving, now is the time to order the shirt for Regionals and beyond! Orders must be paid and placed by February 18th.
Class of 2011 NH Destination ImagiNation Graduation Tassel
It’s your chance to graduate in style! Check out the details about the tassel that bears …
2011 Challenge Pins Order Form
Pins are a big deal. Here is you chance to order the 2011 Challenge pins!
Instant Combustion Team Training Information | PDF 200 KB
Each January, teams meet at the University of New Hampshire in Durham to learn methods to solve Instant Challenges and their Team Challenge. While our alumni have a huge presence in planning and running the program, Team Managers can ask questions about their Team’s Challenge with their Affiliate Challenge Masters…
Appraiser Registration Information Details | PDF 282 KB
Team Managers and Coordinators: Please give this paper to your Appraisers.
Destination ImagiNation Roadmap | PDF 5.5 MB
Here is a guidebook to help you manage your team from its first session to a Tournament. You are not required to use this resource, but we hope it eases your navigation of the program. As a Team Manager, you are essentially the team’s tour guide: you will facilitate, organize and position the team to gain most from its time in the program. And don’t forget our training sessions (below).
Team Manager Cafe for All Team Managers | PDF 30 KB
This training is designed for new and veteran Team Managers with a variety of sessions geared to help your team’s needs. It’s a great training to see our latest books, share some great ideas and make a big difference with your team! (You don’t have to tell the team it was fun!).
New Team Manager Training Flyer | PDF 69 KB
Training makes such an increDIble difference for your team.
If this is your first year with the program, this is the workshop for you! New Team Managers for Destination ImagiNation® will enjoy a day of in-depth, hands-on training. After an opening overview, you will experience the Destination ImagiNation Program Basics while learning the essentials of the program.
Connecting Destination ImagiNation Challenges to Learning Standards 2010-2011 | PDF 1.4 MB
Each year we connect our Challenges to the educational learning standards. This guide shows how each of the learning standards is addressed in our Challenges.
What Makes Destination ImagiNation Unique? | PDF 2.4 Mb | 2 pages
Destination ImagiNation is an exhilarating after-school activity in which students work in teams to solve mind-bending Challenges and present their solutions at Tournaments. Here are four qualities that place Destination ImagiNation above any other after-school activity!
How Much Does Destination ImagiNation Cost? | PDF 41Kb
The answer to the age old question in just over a single page.
Rising Stars!® Information | PDF 63Kb
It’s the non-competitive version of Destination ImagiNation for students pre-school through second grade.
projectOUTREACH® Information | PDF 26Kb
What if Destination ImagiNation had a Challenge with a positive social outcome? Well, this is it!
Appraiser Information| PDF 25Kb
aPRAISing the solutions to complex Challenges are key volunteers, and each team must supply an Appraiser for each tournament. Here are the details.
Why Destination ImagiNation? The Whitepaper | PDF 600Kb | 3 pages
A quick read of why Destination ImagiNation is a must for your students and why business should back this amazing program.
Challenge Preview Downloads | PDF 4.4Mb
Here is a quick overview of this year’s Challenges. Full Challenges are available to teams with paid team packs.
Parents Guide | PDF 7Mb
Here is an overview of Destination ImagiNation, the educational goals, the DI season, and explanation of the Interference rule (which is very important for everyone to kn0w) and an overview of the Challenges for this year.
Connecting the Standards | PDF 1.4Mb
Destination Imagination motivates young people. Our programs encourage them to look for the challenges in life and see them as opportunities for growth. We inspire them to solve problems, search for creative solutions and work cooperatively with others.
Each year we connect our Challenges to the educational learning standards. This guide shows how each of the learning standards is addressed in our Challenges.
Coordinator Specific Documents
“Read It or Weep” Regional Competition Guide | (900K PDF)
This is the must read document for Team Managers and Coordinators with important forms, papers and advice for competition in New Hampshire.
Travelguide for Teams (National Version; NH will have an additional guide) | PDF 1MB
It tells you what to expect at your Tournament. Inside this Guide you will find information that includes what will happen at your Presentation Site and tips from teams and Team Managers on how to have a great Tournament experience.
NH-DI 30th Anniversary T-Shirt!
Celebrating three decades of creative problem solving, now is the time to order the shirt for Regionals and beyond! Orders must be paid and placed by February 18th.
Class of 2011 NH Destination ImagiNation Graduation Tassel
It’s your chance to graduate in style! Check out the details about the tassel that bears …
2011 Challenge Pins Order Form
Pins are a big deal. Here is you chance to order the 2011 Challenge pins!
Registering Teams From and for a Coordinators Point of View | PDF 100 KB
A step-by-step registration guide for New Hampshire Destination ImagiNation coordinators for registering teams.
Appraiser Registration Information Details | PDF 282 KB
Team Managers and Coordinators: Please give this paper to your Appraisers.
Instant Combustion Team Training Information | PDF 200 KB
Each January, teams meet at the University of New Hampshire in Durham to learn methods to solve Instant Challenges and their Team Challenge. While our alumni have a huge presence in planning and running the program, Team Managers can ask questions about their Team’s Challenge with their Affiliate Challenge Masters…
NH-DI Coordinator’s Notebook Guide | PDF 1.6 MB
Forms, program information, contact information, training information – this little gem has them all for you, including the important media policy.
(Rev. with updated Team Manager Cafe and New Team Manager Training Flyers on 10/6/10)
Destination ImagiNation Presentation | PDF 580Kb | PPT 8.2Mb
Great for open houses and Destination ImagiNation kick-off events, this presentation answers many questions, including a review of the Challenges for the 2010-2011 program year. Revised 09/28/10.
Camp Gottalikachallenge
Camp Gottalikachallenge Information and Registration Form | PDF 50KB
It’s one of the oldest creativity camps in America, and we’re ready for our 18th year of Camp Gottalikachallenge!
Scholarship Documents
NH Destination ImagiNation Scholarship| PDF 580Kb
NH-DI Scholarship form. The deadline for submission of applications is February 12, 2011.
DISC Scholarship (Destination ImagiNation Support Cmte) – Due February 1, 2011.