36 Teams Compete in Future of Work Skills

Contact: Wayne Kurtzman, wayne@nh-di.org

Asset: Global Finals Photo (hi-res);
Photos of Teams advancing is at: http://bit.ly/TeamNH2018 (Click on team name for photo)

If the future of work calls for collaboration, communication, creativity and problem-solving skills, these kids are ready – and now, they’re ready to compete. 36 New Hampshire student teams from around the state are heading to Knoxville, TN to represent New Hampshire at Destination Imagination Global Finals, which starts on Wednesday. They will compete with teams from around the United States and 18 countries in challenges based on science, technology, engineering, arts, math (STEAM), or service entrepreneurship and be judged on those creativity, collaboration and problem-solving skills. Teams compete within their challenge and age group.

“The most amazing part of this program is watching what these kids can create without any outside intervention,” according to volunteer Team Manager Michele Allison, who leads a team of fourth and fifth grades from Amherst Elementary/Middle School. Allison refers to the rule that every part of the project from idea to creation to budget is run by the team. Allie Breault, a fourth grader on her says, “I love getting together with my team, because each person brings a special talent to the group and each talent made our presentation amazing.”

Destination Imagination is offered in nearly 200 Granite State schools, mostly as an after-school program to build the high-demand “soft skills”. By selecting and solving a STEAM-based challenge, these teams build management and problem-solving skills, while learning how to leverage talents of the team.

“Destination Imagination has given me something that no other club could of,” according to 9th grader Jo Pancake 9th of Keene High School. “Thanks to DI, I have made my greatest and closest friends, have learned how to take on a challenge like a champ, and how to enjoy the moment as best as I can!”

“This team continues to amaze me with their dedication, perseverance, collaboration and creativity,” according to Goffstown High School Team Manager Lissa Winrow. “Even with heavy academic schedules in rigorous classes these students managed to volunteer for DI and other community events, participate in 4-H, theater, jazz band, select vocals, select orchestra, dance, Tri-M Music Honor Society, National Honor Society and All State Chamber Festival and had several illnesses over the winter and still were able to put in a tremendous amount of time and effort into their DI Solution”. Her daughter, Alaina is on the team and is “most looking forward to meeting people from around the world.”

The teams will compete against teams from most U.S. states and Canadian provinces as well as from the Australia, Brazil, U.K., China, South Korea, Mexico, among others. In all, 1,436 teams from around the world have advanced to Global Finals, which culminates the “D.I.” problem solving year. In addition to meeting students from around the globe, there are numerous one-of-a-kind educational opportunities from Broadway and Hollywood performers to unique sessions from NASA, SkyBot, Oracle Academy, Disney, Motorola Solutions, among others are open to participants.

A full list of teams representing N.H. Destination Imagination is available at: 

For more information, visit NH-DI.org or GlobalFinals.org to watch portions live.
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