Apr 25, 2018 | Camp, News
It’s almost summer (no, really!) and around here that means one thing – it’s almost time for Camp Gottalikachallenge! For years we have run one of the oldest creativity summer camps in the nation! The last several summers, our overnight sessions have...
Apr 13, 2018 | DI Program, Global Finals
It’s an annual tradition. Team Managers, parents and team members of teams heading to Destination Imagination Global Finals meet each other and learn what attending the largest event of its type in the World will be like. From pin trading, to dorm life, to...
Apr 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
For almost as long as there’s been a Global Finals, New Hampshire’s teams met: Team Managers, team members and their parents, to learn more about Global Finals and everything that goes into it. Team Managers, board members, alumni and team members who have...