Local Students Compete in “D.I.” STEAM Creativity Competition Saturday
300+ New Hampshire Destination Imagination students compete in Swanzey on Saturday

List of teams and communities at the end of this release.

Please contact Wayne Kurtzman at Wayne@nh-di.org for more information.

Nearly 50 local student teams who have poured their creativity, collaboration and problem-solving skills to solve complex STEAM-based challenges get to show their skills as part of New Hampshire Destination Imagination’s regional competition this Saturday at Winnacunnet High School in Hampton, NH. These students are among the almost 2,000 “D.I.” students who will compete at five New Hampshire regional competitions.
In the fall, teams select Challenges that are technical, scientific, structural, fine arts, improvisational, or service learning-based. They are open-ended and very complex to solve. Team members build STEAM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math), but also the high-demand communication, collaboration and problem-solving skills.
Each solution is solved solely by team members, and not adults or friends. From budget and planning to ideation to execution – it’s part of the student learning process.
Teams that advance from each Regional competition will advance to New Hampshire State Competition on Saturday, April 7 in Bedford. Their goal will be to advance to compete with teams from all 50 states and 15 over countries at Destination Imagination Global Finals.
WHAT:    NH Destination Imagination Regional Tournament
WHERE:  Monadnock Regional High School
WHEN:    Opening 8AM; Competition 9AM-3:30PM – Best photo times 9AM-2PM
WHO:      300+ students, grades K-12, from 19 area communities
WHY:      To advance to the State Tournament with the goal of Global Finals

Results from this tournament will be emailed upon request.
Teams Participating in this Tournament


Organization/School Teams Competing
Bedford DI 1
Boynton Middle School 2
Chesterfield School 4
Cutler School Elementary School 1
Grantham Village School 4
Highbridge Hill Elementary 2
Jaffrey-Rindge SD 5
Keene Middle School 2
Lebanon/Grantham 1
Marlborough School 1
Mason Elementary School 1
Milford Destination Imagination 4
Milford DI 1
Monadnock Regional Middle High School 2
Saint Joseph Regional School 6
Sunapee Central Elementary School 2
Sunapee Middle High School 2

Wayne Kurtzman

NH Destination Imagination
NHICC: New Hampshire’s Incredible Creativity Connection
Web/Media Relations (Volunteer) | Global Finals Photo Team Lead
Twitter: @NH_DI

   cell: 603-591-7906 
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