Below is the archive of the 2012-2013 Important Paper Library. These are not the most current documents.

DocumentTypeDescriptionAudienceDate Added/Updated
NH-DI State Tournament Survival GuideWeb PageImportant information for Team Managers and Coordinators with teams that have advanced to the State Tournament in Salem.Team Managers, Coordinators03/19/2013
NH-DI Editable Participation CertificatePDFDownload this editable PDF file to create a participation certificate for each team member!Team Managers, Coordinators03/15/2013
How To Watch a 2013 DI Challenge at CompetitionPDFSee how the 2013 Challenge are scored. This is the VERY short version. Team versions are more complex All03/14/2013
NH-DI Regional Tournament Survival GuideWeb PageA "must read" for all Team Managers, with important information about the things you'll need to know in order to be ready for your regional tournamentTeam Managers, Coordinators02/11/2013
Challenge Pins Order FormPDFChallenge Pins are now available!All01/29/2012
2013 NH-DI Graduation TasselPDFSeniors can now have a tassel that shows their creativity: The NH-DI Graduation Tassel!All01/29/2012
NH-DI T-Shirt SpecialPDFTeam Managers and Coordinators can special order the 2013 NH-DI T-Shirts for their teams!Team Managers, Coordinators01/16/2012
Camp Gottalikachallenge Summer CampPDFIt's what's for summer! Camp Gottalikachallenge packs a year's worth of creativity into one week... All12/12/2012
Team Manager Cafe FlyerPDFTeam Manager Training InformationAll Team Managers; Coordinators10/15/2012
New Team Manager Training FlyerPDFNew Team Manager (TM) Training InformationNew Team Managers; Coordinators10/14/2012
2012-2013 Coordinators' Notebook
PDFThis is the key coordinator's guide, complete with important forms, dates and more information to start your program.Coordinators09/29/2012
2012-2013 Coordinators' Material for School UseMS-WordCoordinators - Here are some document templates that we hope you will find helpful!Coordinators09/29/2012
How Much Does Destination Imagination Cost?PDFHow Much Does Destination Imagination Cost? Here is a quick breakdown on one of the best education values available.All09/30/2012
Workshop Info for Team Managers and Team MembersPDFThe Instant Combustion & Improv Workshop, New Team Manager and All Team Manager training flyersAll09/30/2012
Rising Stars! Information (Early Learning / non-competitive Challenge) PDFInformation about our early learning program Rising Stars! All09/30/2012
projectOUTREACH information (Social Learning Challenge)PDFEach year, one Challenge is focused on making a difference. Learn more about our projectOUTREACH ChallengeAll09/30/2012
Instant Combustion and Improv Workshop (Team Managers and Team Members)PDFThis premiere training event for team members, this workshop focuses on Instant Challenges, central Challenge strategies, teamwork and collaboration skillsAll09/30/2012
NH-DI Media ReleasePDFThe 2012-2013 NH-DI Media Release opt out formCoordinators and Team Managers09/30/2012
NH-DI Scholarship ApplicationPDFNH-DI Scholarship application for High School Seniors.All09/30/2012
Creative Compass 2012-2013PDFWho is Destination Imagination, what are Challenges, how does DI make a proven impact and how to get started.All09/30/2012
Connecting the Standards 2012-2013PDFThis document explains how Destination Imagination challenges connect to learning standards? All09/27/2012
How to Start a Team GuidePDFHow to start a team. Note: Please go to the Start A Team link for NH-DI specific info.Coordinators, Team Managers, Parents09/27/2012
Complementing the Curriculum WhitepaperPDFFull color whitepaper on how DI complements the school curriculum?All09/27/2012
Appraiser InformationPDFInformation about AppraisersCoordinators09/27/2012
NHICC/NH-DI Expense Report FormXLSForm to include with requests for expense reimbursementsAll03/30/2013