295 Mammoth Road, Londonderry, NH | MAP |
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From I-93 North and South
Take Exit 4 / Derry Londonderry on Interstate 93
Turn west onto 102 and proceed to Mammoth Rd (Route 128). The CrossRoads Mall, a strip shopping center is at the lighted intersection of 102 and 128.
Turn right and proceed past Mack’s Orchards. Continue through the light at the Town Common.
The first school on the left is Matthew Thornton Elementary School. Londonderry High School follows immediately on the left. Londonderry Middle School is also on the left just past the High School.
From the West
Go over the Route 111 Bridge in Nashua (the “north” bridge).
Bear Left on Rte 102 in Hudson
About 8 miles on 102 watch for the Mack Orchard sign at Mammoth Rd. This is the lighted intersection of routes 102 and 128. Crossroad Malls, a strip shoping center is at this intersection on the far right. Turn left on Mammoth (128).
The first school on the left is Matthew Thornton Elementary School. Londonderry High School follows immediately on the left. Londonderry Middle School is also on the left just past the High School.