Globals Calling 2017

This page was created for Global Finals 2017, so please don’t assume that the dates, events, and prices will be the same for Global Finals 2018. For example, we have already determined that we will need to increase the fee for the Prop Truck to $350 for 2018.

Global Finals Logo
This page contains important information for the New Hampshire teams that have advanced to Global Finals 2017. For general information about Team New Hampshire and Global Finals, visit our main Global Finals 2017 page.


May 18: We’ve added a Team NH presentation schedule, and a PDF copy of the presentation that was given to Team Managers and parents at Spoil Your Dinner.

April 12: We’ve added a new Fundraising Page with ideas for ways to raise money, and answers to some frequently asked questions about fundraising.

April 6: We’ve added instructions on how to order your FREE Team NH t-shirts.

Important Dates:

Friday, April 7: Spoil Your Dinner at Merrimack Valley Middle School (5:45 PM)
Tuesday, April 18: Deadline for placing pin and T-shirt orders
Friday, May 5th: Deadline for ordering flat rate prop transportation to Global Finals on the NH Prop Truck
Friday, May 12: Last day to drop off props to be shipped on the NH Prop Truck

Congratulations Team New Hampshire!

You are about to embark on a very exciting voyage! You have earned the honor of representing the State of New Hampshire, and all of the other NH-DI participants, at Destination Imagination Global Finals in Knoxville, Tennessee. The NHICC Board is proud of your achievement, and we look forward to congratulating you at our Spoil Your Dinner Party as Merrimack Valley Middle School on Friday, April 7th at 5:45 PM.

Along with this honor comes a great responsibility. Your team now represents the State of New Hampshire at Global Finals, and is part of a brand new and much larger team that we call Team New Hampshire. You will be staying with all of your NH teammates in the housing that the University of Tennessee will assign to us. We expect you to conduct yourselves with the same courtesy and enthusiasm that you displayed here in New Hampshire. Whether in your dorm or hotel, or participating in the competition, good sportsmanship, good humor, and good manners are the rule.

You will be expected to attend the Welcome Ceremony and the Closing Celebration in Thompson-Boling Arena. Please wear your official Team NH T-shirts to these events, and any other time you can! NH-DI will be bringing some flashy light-up accessories for your team.

NH Global Finals Teams also have a well-deserved reputation for attending as many NH performances as possible, and cheering wildly! It’s always gratifying to have a boisterous and encouraging audience, especially when you are many miles from home! We know that Team NH will attend Global Finals as a supportive and caring unit.

Team Manager Responsibilities

There are a few things that will require your immediate attention:

  • Respond to your DI Global Finals email invitation! If you accept, you will complete an online registration, and pay an initial deposit.
  • Complete our Media Information Form, so we can respond to requests for information about your team from media representatives.
  • Plan to attend our annual Spoil Your Dinner party on Friday, April 7th!
  • NH-DI’s Prop Truck is by far the easiest way to get your team’s props to Knoxville, but you’ll need to reserve a spot on the truck.
  • Place your order for your team’s FREE Team NH T-shirts, and for any additional shirts that you might like to purchase for your team and its supporters.
  • Pin trading is an important part of any trip to Global Finals. You will want to order the pins your team will want for trading with other teams at Global Finals.

Again, congratulations to your team! We look forward to seeing everyone at Spoil Your Dinner, and then traveling with all of you to Tennessee. If you have any questions, please call us! Please read all of the information in the booklet that you received, and make sure you respond to your email invitation quickly!

Spoil Your Dinner

All Globals-bound teams are invited to our annual Spoil Your Dinner party at 5:45 PM on Friday, April 7th at Merrimack Valley Middle School. This is your opportunity to find out everything you’ll need to know about life at Global Finals. We’ll have lots of ice cream, along with valuable information sessions for team members, parents, and Team Managers. Learn what it’s like from experienced team members and Team Managers who have been to Globals!

Please plan to bring a gallon of ice cream, a fun topping, and a can of whipped cream for everyone to share!

Media Information

Advancing to Global Finals is big news! By the time you return home from the State Tournament, it’s possible that we will have already received requests for information from media representatives who saw your team listed on our tournament results page. This is why we would like you to complete our Media Information Form right away. Please don’t put this off!

If your community doesn’t know that your team is Going to Global Finals, they won’t realize that there is a financial need. You’ll want to generate publicity for your team! Newspapers may want to get a photo of your team, and for this, you can direct them to the media-ready photos of Team NH that we’ll post on our website.

Share Your Photos from Global Finals with NH-DI

2015share_ur_pixIf you want to share your photos so we can use them on our Facebook page or our online photo album, we would love to see them. You can easily upload them (drop and drag or select them) at

Please only add photos taken at/on the way to and from Global Finals! Thank you!

You may also post them publicly to Facebook and add the hashtag #TeamNH and #GF17 to the post’s text.

NH Fisher Cats NH-DI Night, Fundraiser and the World’s Largest Instant Challenge!

Saturday night, May 6th is New Hampshire Destination Imagination night at Northeast Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester, and The New Hampshire Fisher Cats are helping all teams raise funds for their program – including teams going to Global Finals!

A number of participating teams will be selected to be part of the world’s biggest Instant Challenge!

Team Managers can download the info sheet and the handout-flyer. Ticket sales are currently scheduled to end on April 18th.

Using Social Media? It Helps!

You can listen or participate in social media. Tips and relevant info is often shared on Twitter. Please remember, social media is very public.

If using a hashtag, please use #GF17 and #TeamNH. Follow @IDODI and @NH_DI on Twitter,  like the Destination Imagination Facebook Page and well as the NH-DI Facebook page.

Click here for more details!


All representatives of Team NH must wear their Team NH t-shirt to both the opening and closing ceremonies. NH-DI will provide FREE t-shirts for up to two Team Managers, and one shirt for every member of your team. To order your free t-shirts, you’ll need to follow these instructions.

You can also order additional team t-shirts for an extra charge. Family members traveling to Knoxville will also want a team supporter t-shirt! All t-shirt orders must be placed through our online Creativity Shop. You’ll find the shirts in the Global Finals Gear section.

T-shirt orders must be received by April 18th!

Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment. I hope you find time to pause, reflect, and enjoy memories of your journey
with your awesome team. I know you have a long list of things to accomplish between today and the day you leave for Knoxville, TN.
So let us cross one thing off that ever-growing list!
Global Finals TShirts: All representatives of Team NH are required to wear the Team NH tshirt to both opening and closing
ceremonies. To this end, NH-DI provides one tshirt per team member and up to two tshirts for the team manager(s). To order your
NH-DI provided tshirts:
DEADLINE to ORDER: APRIL 18, 2017, midnight

Pins, Pins, Pins!

One of the most popular activities at Global Finals is trading pins with teams from around the world.

Your team will need LOT of pins! Pin trading is an important part of any Global trip, and you won’t want your team members to feel left out. Every year, some of our teams run out of pins shortly after they arrive, but by that time our affiliate’s most popular pins are often sold out.

Based on early feedback we’ve received from volunteers from other affiliates, we think this year’s Gnome Emoji pins will be one of the most popular pins at Global Finals. To get these pins for your team to trade, you’ll need to order them from our online Creativity Shop. Orders must be received by April 18th.

For more information on pin trading at Global Finals, visit Destination Imagination’s Pin Trading page.

NH-DI Prop Truck

Our prop truck is by far the easiest way to transport your team’s props to Global Finals! It’s only $300, unless your team has an unusually large volume of props. You’ll just need to deliver your well-packaged and properly labeled props to our shipping company in Candia between May 8th and May 12th, and they’ll take it from there!

In order to reserve a space, you’ll need to register by May 5th by completing our Prop Truck Reservation Form.

Instant Challenge Message for Teams

Instant-Challenge-Logo-RGBAs at NH-DI Regional and State Competitions, Teams and Team Managers may not bring any devices, including but not limited to cameras, cell phones, iPads and tablets, computers, or timing devices, including wrist watches, into the Instant Challenge building. The team can ask the Appraisers for the time remaining at any point during the Instant Challenge. If such devices are brought to the Instant Challenge building site, teams should leave them with a person accompanying the team prior to entering the Instant Challenge building. Teams will also have the option of checking these items at the Information Booth located near Instant Challenge registration.

Useful Links