Are Challenge Clarifications?
When the International Challenge Masters feel there is an issue about a Team Challenge or the Rules of the Road that all teams should know about, they write a Published Clarification. A Published Clarification supersedes the Rules of the Road and the Team Challenge, as well as a Team Clarification. Every team is expected to know the Published Clarifications for its Challenge.
Team Clarifications
Your team may ask up to 10 questions of the International Challenge Masters (ICMs) for your Team Challenge. The ICMs will answer your team’s questions and send the answers directly back to you. The question and answer will not be shared with any other team. The deadline to ask for Team Clarifications is February 15.
Where Can I Find Clarifications or Ask A Clarification?
You can find links to your Challenge on the Challenge Page of this web site. The links, located directly under each Challenge description, go directly to the Destination ImagiNation web site for the latest clarifications.
Why We Ask You Check the NH-DI Page
It is very rare, but there have been times where we had to add a special New Hampshire advice or clarification to the existing Destination Imagination clarifications. This may be venue-specific advice or an actual NH addendum to the clarification that we want all teams to know about.
Clarifications are posted on the Challenge page below the summary of your Challenge: The same place the links are to the official Challenge Clarifications.