Date: Saturday, March 12, 2011
Location: Nashua High School South, Nashua, NH
More Details
Welcome to the Nashua Regional Tournament! As your Regional Director, my goal is to make this meet fun and fantastic for all of our teams, team managers, and their supporters! I am so looking forward to seeing your teams and celebrating their wonderful creativity!
Preliminary Schedule is available.
Nashua Tournament Schedule 2011
Hello All.
I sent the following out in an email, but in case the emails are getting stuck in spam filters or so forth, I am posting the information here:
Hi there TMs!
I hope you are all doing well. Some of you may be away for vacation.
Others may be spending the week working with your teams – hopefully having a great deal of fun doing so!
A preliminary meet schedule is available on-line. Log in at check the meet schedule as soon as possible. I believe I have accounted for all the special needs people have alerted me to. Please take a close look and email me if there are any I missed.
Attached to the email was a form you can give to your team’s parents/grandparents so they can make sure the go to the right Challenge Venue. I can not tell you how many time I have tried to give directions to lost grandparents and all they can tell me is that little Kimberly is in a play. No school name, no Team manager’s name …. You get the picture, I hope. So please use this form – or something like it! It is meant to be copied two sided so that the reminder that the kids can do it themselves is on the back. Sometimes, there are parents who don’t quite “get it”. (You may be able to download it here … if I did things right.
I have a few HUGE favors to ask of ALL of you.
Please remember to ask each person attending the meet to bring a donation for The Panther Pantry. IF everyone attending brought one item we could provide about 1,000 items to the pantry. There will also be collection jars to make cash donations. Cash donations are used to purchase items for the pantry that are not commonly donated. See the list in the earlier post for items needed.
If at all possible – please, carpool! The snow this winter has made for huge snow piles which means fewer parking spaces are available.
Please leave props and other materials in cars until shortly before your team challenge time. This will reduce congestion in the corridors and decrease the chance of any damage to your props.
Plan to arrive at “IC Check-in” no more than 20 minutes before your IC time.
Please be sure to respect all signs indicating areas that are off limits.
I’ll have more later. Info can also be found on the NH-DI website and be sure to read the “Read it or Weep” guide!
Team Managers – Thank YOU so much for all that you have done for our kids. Take a deep breath and PLEASE – enjoy your team, enjoy the next couple of weeks and HAVE FUN!
Wendy Langelier
Nashua Regional Director
2/22/2011 – New (and veteran) Team Managers
The “Read it or Weep Guide to Regionals” is REQUIRED READING. This guide may answer many of the questions that are probably buzzing through your mind about now. Your team has worked very hard (hopefully having loads of fun at the same time) creating a fantastic (in their opinion which is the most important opinion) solution to their challenge. Reading the guide will help you understand what happens the day of the meet, what you should bring to the meet, and what you may expect after the meet. The guide can be found in NH-DI’s “Important Paper Library” Please feel free to contact me, (Wendy) or any other board member if you have any question that have not been answered in the “Guide”, the “Rules to the Road”, or the Challenge. Our emails and phone numbers can be found on the “Contacts Us” page under the “About” tab.
NHICC Helps the Panther Pantry
This year NH Destination Imagination’s Nashua Regional is asking teams to collect items to help support our Host School’s “Panther Pantry”. (Close to 700 students attending Nashua High School South are eligible for free and reduced lunch – an indicator of poverty). Recognizing the need; the school opened the Panther Pantry in 2009, and has seen a steady clientele since opening. Below is a list of items the Pantry needs regularly. Please consider adding the items below to your shopping list and bring them to the meet March 12th. Beans, Beef Stew, Canned Fruit, Canned Meats, Canned Soup, Canned Vegetables, Chili, Deodorant, Dish Detergent, Feminine Products, Jelly, Laundry Detergent, Mashed Potatoes – Boxed, Pasta, Pasta Salad – Boxed, Peanut Butter, Shampoo, Soap, Soup, Spaghetti Sauce, Sponges, Stuffing mix, Tissues, Toilet Paper, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Trash Bags, Tuna.
Rising Stars Teams
Rising Stars teams have a very special day ahead of them! Your team challenge and instant challenge are back-to-back, meaning that your team will go directly from their Team Challenge Room, through a connecting door to their Instant Challenge Room where they will be given an Instant Challenge designed specifically for the Stars! Unlike the competitive teams, Rising Stars teams are encouraged to bring ALL their fans along with them to the Instant Challenge! The Rising Stars are then done for the day. Should the teams elect to go hope, we do hope that will return for the Awards Ceremony at the end of the day.
Preliminary Schedule
The preliminary schedule is available to Team Managers and Coordinators by logging in to the NH-DI online site. Go to the Meets tab and select the Nashua Schedule to see the preliminary schedule! The schedule will also be posted on this page very soon. Please note that changes may happen, and the only schedule that is official is the one on the day of the meet!
2-Hour Volunteer
Please make sure your 2-hour volunteer for the day has been correctly entered in the NH-DI Database by logging in at, going to the “register team” and checking to make sure your team has a volunteer registered. Each team must supply a person to serve a 2-hour shift. The meet cannot run well without them! The volunteer schedule will be available online about a week before the tournament. Team managers should be checking for the volunteer schedule starting March 1st. On the day of the meet, the 2-hour volunteer should check in at the Information Table before their volunteer shift. There they will receive a “Volunteer” nametag and directions to their assignment.
It is absolutely vital for the meet running smoothly that your 2-hour volunteer complete their assignment. I will make every effort to ensure that the shift is close to the team performance (without interfering with the performance itself) to make it as convenient as possible for the volunteer. Should a volunteer be unable to make their shift, it is their responsibility to find a substitute. The substitute should come to the Information Booth and sign in saying they are substituting for “John or Jane Doe”.
Stay tuned to this page for more updates and information as we approach the day of the tournament!
Wendy Langelier
595.3511 (land) 321.9113 (cell)
By my participation in an event conducted by an Affiliate, Region or other gathering related to the Destination imagination program, the participant or participant’s parents or participant’s guardian understands and hereby voluntarily agrees to release, waive, forever discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Destination Imagination Inc., and their agents, officers, boards, volunteers, and employees from any and all liability and all claims, actions, or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services , or otherwise which may arise out of the participant’s participation in activities related to the Destination Imagination event, including travel to and from the event.