Oct 29, 2016 | Team Manager Corner, Training
Over 50 new Destination Imagination Team Managers, the adult volunteers that facilitate the creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking skills gained in the after-school “D.I.” program were trained Saturday at Pembroke Academy. “My...
Oct 23, 2016 | Uncategorized
Help is on the way, New Team Managers. The structure, ideas and best practices to facilitate creativity, problem-solving and communication skills needed with a Destination Imaginati0n team is available this Saturday, October 29th at Pembroke Academy. We’re Ready...
Oct 4, 2016 | Team Manager Corner
Help is on the way! Team Manager training is scheduled! There is a New Team Manager specific training, and an All Team Manager training. The New Team Manager Workshop is training like you’ve never had before: It’s perfect for newer Team Managers providing...