Mar 26, 2011 | Uncategorized
Thank you for AMAZING Regional Competitions! Every team that worked hard to bring a solution to the Regional Tournaments around the state accomplished A LOT. All regional results, photos and more are available from the Tournament Page for each event. Nashua | Kingston...
Mar 21, 2011 | Uncategorized
After four regional creativity tournaments and amazing displays of creativity, teamwork, problem solving skills, research and project management, the top-scoring teams from around the Granite State are preparing for Destination ImagiNation State Finals. Teams...
Mar 20, 2011 | Directions
8 Titan Way, Nashua, NH 03063 View Nashua High School North From all Directions: Get to US-3 (Everett Turnpike). From the north, take Interstate 93 to 293 and 293 to US-3/Everett Turnpike. From the North Take US – 3 (Everett Turnpike) SOUTH to Exit 6...
Mar 14, 2011 | News, Tournament
PRELIMINARY team and volunteer schedules for Swanzey and Plymouth meets have been posted on the Tournament Pages. (The only OFFICIAL schedule will be available at the Tournament site the day of the event). Watch for updates on these pages, and photos and results...
Mar 12, 2011 | News, Tournament
With over 1,000 students participating in Destination ImagiNation competitions this weekend, we saw AMAZING creativity! Now the Nashua and Kingston photos and results are posted. [Nashua Tourn Page | Kingston Tourn Page ] Next week, Plymouth and Swanzey competitions...
Mar 7, 2011 | Uncategorized
Whether you are a parent, Team Manager, Team Member or curious appraiser, these are some of the documents you need to know about. (Team Managers) READ IT or WEEP REGIONAL TOURNAMENT GUIDE. (PDF)This includes great advice and additional forms that you will need, (in...
Mar 5, 2011 | Uncategorized
Elementary Level, Challenge E: verses! foiled again!, team 130-53977 More information will be posted as available.