Hello everyone!
Here is this month’s issue of NH-DI’s Roundup. We hope it continues to provide you with resources and inspiration! To view previous issues, head here.
Update on the 2020-21 Destination Imagination Season
We’re well into the 2020-2021 Destination Imagination Season! If you haven’t purchased your Team Kit(s) yet, please don’t wait. Background checks must be completed before Team Managers will have access to materials. How-tos for all this and more can be found here:
To help navigate this season, NH-DI has been running remote training for Team Managers and for Team Members. There is more to come for both groups very soon—look for our emails!
Connecting Pieces of Cardboard
In earlier installments of our Paper and Cardboard series, we showed you lots of ways to cut, bend, and fold cardboard. Part 6 is about ways to connect all of the pieces!
In case you missed them, here are links to the earlier NH-DI Roundup issues that included Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 of this series. Thanks to NH-DI volunteer Craig for developing this series!
Some STEAM activities to try
Design a Better Pinwheel
Engineers are consistently challenged to improve the performance of their designs. Take the simple pinwheel—how can we create a better pinwheel? Students compete to design a pinwheel that spins in the slightest breeze possible.
Sorting Solutions
Participants design a multitiered chute made of cups and mesh that can sort different sizes and shapes of pasta into separate containers.
Tape Dispenser Challenge
Build a tape dispenser that makes it possible to remove tape from the roll and apply it using only one hand.
Build a Candy Dispenser
Students apply their understanding of simple machines to design and build a prototype candy dispenser out of everyday materials that dispenses a small amount of candy at a time.
Make Your Own Glue
Participants learn about adhesives–how they work and how engineers test them–as they create their own glue and test it against other glue types.
Share what you’ve created!
Were you inspired by any of the activities or resources in NH-DI’s Roundup? What did you build or create? We encourage you, with a parent or guardian’s help and permission, to share your creations on our Facebook or Instagram pages! (Just add your photo as a comment on our newsletter post!)
And please share NH-DI’s Roundup with your friends! Ask them to sign up for weekly emails (if they’re 13 or older), or send them a link to our main NH-DI Roundup page.
That’s all for this issue, but we look forward to sending you more soon! And as always, if you have ideas for NH-DI’s Roundup, email Emily Richardson at emily.richardson@nh-di.org.
Published by New Hampshire Innovation and Creativity Connection (NHICC), the nonprofit organization that operates New Hampshire’s Destination Imagination, Camp Gottalikachallenge, and Girls Engineering the Future programs. Learn more about us…