Deciphering Detailed Scores

After each tournament, NH-DI will release a report to Team Managers that shows the scores of all of the competing teams in their Team Challenge. DI scoring is a bit complicated as it involves scaling of scores as described in the Scoring section of Rules of the Road.

In a typical score report, the rows are teams and columns contain scores. If you see a column that starts with Rw, it is a raw score. These are the actual scores assigned by the appraisers. If the score is subjective, it is the average of the appraisers assigned to score that item. For objective scores, the raw score is the score agreed to by the appraisers assigned to score the element. Scores not prefaced with raw or Rw are scaled scores.

Scaling of scores is described in detail in the Scoring section of Rules of the Road (including an example). In brief, it is scoring on a curve. Sections of the Team Challenge have a maximum score, such as the Team Choice Elements that are typically worth 60 points in total. The team with the highest raw score for their Team Choice Elements would earn 60 points for their Team Choice Elements. The scores of the other teams are scaled using the same factor. For example, if the team with the highest score had a total of 45 raw points, their score would need to be multiplied by 4/3 (60 ÷ 45) to give them a score of 60. The scores of the other teams would likewise be scaled by 4/3.

Most Challenges have three areas of scoring: Central Challenge, Team Choice Elements, and Instant Challenge. These are the columns you will see. As is explained in Rules of the Road, some Challenges are missing some of these scoring areas, or include additional scoring areas. The Improvisational Challenge typically has no Team Choice Elements. The Engineering and Technical Challenges may have different columns each year based on the rules of those Challenges.

For more detail on your team’s scores, refer to the raw scores returned to you by your Head Appraiser. No further detail about your scores will be provided for Instant Challenge.

Meaning of Specific Columns

Total The team’s final score.
Deduct This is any other deduction (these are uncommon). The remaining deductions are rolled into the raw score of the items where they were assessed.

Central or CC This is the score for the items in the Central Challenge. The scaled score is on top; the raw score is below.

Choice This is the score for the team choice elements. The scaled score is on top; the raw score is below.
Instant This is the team’s score for Instant Challenge. The scaled score is on top; the raw score is below.
For the 2022-23 Engineering Challenge:
Dist Distance in cm.
Speed Velocity in cm/sec.