This post originally was posted on the Destination Imagination web site.

Destination Imagination (DI) is excited to begin sharing the details of the 2020-21 Challenge season with our community. This is the first in a series of messages that will be delivered in the coming months. We appreciate your patience as we finalize our plans—rest assured that all of your questions will be answered soon!

The 2020-21 season of DI will look different than previous ones. As always, our top priority is the safety of our participants and volunteers, and our Challenge season will reflect that. We understand that the public health situation due to COVID-19 may vary in different parts of the world as we progress through the season. As a result, DI participation may look different as well.

For the 2020-21 season, a limited suite of Team Challenges will be available to choose from. Teams will be able to solve the Challenges whether they are able to meet in-person or are engaged in distance learning.

Teams will have opportunities to compete, be ranked and advance through Regional and Affiliate competition levels. Planning for Global Finals 2021 will continue to evolve as we learn more about the educational landscape in response to COVID-19. We will share further details about the Challenge Experience—including previews of the Team Challenges—and Global Finals 2021 as they become available.

Due to the work necessary to reimagine our Challenge materials, the 2020-21 season will launch later than normal, on November 1, 2020. Access to the full Team Challenges, Roadmap, Rules of the Road, and the Instant Challenge Practice Set will be made available at that time.

Team Numbers and Background Checks for the 2020-21 season are available for purchase now on the DI Store. More information about products and pricing can be found on our Start a Team page. Purchased Background Checks for Team Managers may be initiated beginning August 1, 2020.

We thank you for your patience and flexibility as we navigate the “new normal” for next season. We know that it won’t feel the same as other seasons. But we also know that our community is resilient and will adapt to this change with the same enthusiasm that our participants approach their Challenges with each year. We look forward to you joining us for a safe and exciting season of Destination Imagination!

This post was originally posted on the Destination Imagination blog on June 9, 2020