Nov 22, 2016 | Team Manager Corner
As well as the Challenges are written, teams are often come up with questions that were not considered. The Clarifications Process helps this with updates that are extensions of the Challenge rules. Clarifications are issued by Destination Imagination’s International...
Nov 12, 2016 | Team Manager Corner, Training
Over 100 of our Team Managers, new and veteran’s met at today’s Team Manager Cafe in Penacook’s Merrimack Valley Middle School, It’s a day of community and sharing skills that helps build creativity, problem-solving and innovation skills around...
Nov 6, 2016 | DI Program, Team Manager Corner, Training, Uncategorized
This Saturday is one of our favorite training sessions, our Team Manager Cafe! This year, held at Merrimack Valley Middle School, 14 Allen Street, Penacook, NH, the Cafe is all new, thanks to feedback from Team Managers around the state – and what they need...