Jun 18, 2016 | DI Program, Team Manager Corner
The Challenge previews for the 2016-2017 Destination Imagination school year starting in September are now posted! CLICK HERE to see them!
Jun 18, 2016 | DI Program
2015-2016 Challenge Summaries Technical Challenge: Pace of Change The world is full of changes, both big and small. So grab the wheel – let’s see them all! • Design and build a vehicle able to carry at least one team member across the presentation site multiple...
Jun 17, 2016 | Team Manager Corner
Looking for things to do over the summer while your team is waiting for the Destination Imagination 2016-2017 Challenges to be released on September 1? Of course, there’s NH-DI’s own Camp Gottalikachallenge in early August, but we’d like to let you...