Dec 27, 2012 | Directions
1 Laker Lane Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-6162 View Larger Map Directions From (South) Concord NH Area: Take I -93 North to exit 23 Turn right onto Rte 104 East, and follow about 9 miles. Turn left onto Routes 3/D.W. Highway (the Lake is in sight). Make a quick right...
Dec 9, 2012 | News, Tournament
Just a reminder that December 18th is the deadline to register your teams for NH-DI Regional Tournaments. Team Managers, please check with your coordinator that this has been done. Team payments can be made online via PayPal, check or purchase order – but payment must...
Dec 9, 2012 | Parents, Resources
As we get closer to the New Year and (GULP!) Tournaments, there are several new ways to get the latest New Hampshire Destination Imagination news coming directly to you. E-mail Subscription Look in right column on most pages (including this page) on our web site. You...