The Choice performance GlobalsDestination Imagination is an after school program that lives at the corner of creativity, STEM, the arts and problem solving.  It’s where the building blocks of innovation aren’t just taught – they’re put into action by some 3,000 New Hampshire students each year – and a joined by over 125,000 students around the world.


startateam95Up to 7 members can be on a team, and students from kindergarten through university level participate. Each team needs at least one volunteer adult Team Manager. Team Managers help students stay on track but do not directly help the team develop its solution to the DI Challenge. Team Managers are often faculty members or parents.

Our purpose is to inspire and equip students to become the next generation of innovators and leaders. Annually, we offer seven new standards-based Challenges in STEM, Improv, Visual Arts, Service Learning, and Early Learning. Each Challenge is open-ended and enables student teams to learn and experience the creative process from imagination to innovation. Academic tournaments take place around the world where teams have the opportunity to present their solutions to trained appraisers. Students have fun and gain confidence in their ability to solve any challenge. In working to solve our Challenges, teams learn 21st century skills (creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, citizenship and courage) to build on their unique strengths.