IceBreaker image @WayneNHIce Breakers are a form of Instant Challenge that help teams build trust, collaboration and situational management skills needed to solve any Destination Imagination Challenge. Here are a few new Ice Breakers to help your teams!

The Machine Game 

Adapted from:

The object of this game is to create a machine out of the each team member (for example, a ceiling fan, hot air balloon, watch, etc.).

Each person is accountable for one noise and one motion of the machine.  The team members should then put their motions and sounds together to create a the complete machine.  Teams may have 3 minutes to prepare and up to 5 minutes to present their solution.

At random (or team selected) person starts by demonstrating their machine, and one-by-one, other team members join until all the team members are in some way connected and demonstrating their machine.

Optionally, points could be given on creativity, how well the individual machines work together and how well the machines integrate with each other. (Remember: This is for team building!).

The Team Manager can debrief the team after a few tries to discuss what went well and what they would change if they could do it again. (Then do it again!).

The Progressive Story

Adapted from:

The Team Manager begins the story by setting the initial scene and mood.  (The mood will alter as a result of the addition of more content to the story.)  The story can start with the following examples (or others): “On my way to class the other day…” or “A good friend called last night and…” or “I had the most amazing weekend! I…”  In no particular order, members of the team take over the story – one sentence at a time.

They will add new elements and twists to the plot. The idea is to make sure the story (and the plot)  continue to build.

The Team Manager should make sure that all members of the team contribute, as they are comfortable.

When the story runs out of steam, the Team Manager should debrief the team to determine what the team felt went well, and what did not. Practiced regularly, the team will likely become more confident and faster at this presentation exercise.

ALTERNATIVE: Do a story only using sound effects with gestures to see if the team can complete a story without spoken words.

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Have an Ice Breaker you use? Please share it (with the source) on our Facebook page so we can share it with others!

Also See:

Ice Breakers Part 1

Ice Breakers Part 2